Monday, February 27, 2012

Cultural Analysis of Various Songs

For today's class, we listened to a number of songs. First, we  focused in one of Elton John's song that mainly talked about a broken relationship of a father and a son because of gender issues. The second is the song from the cartoon movie, Hunchback of Notre Dame - "God help the outcast". It is a very powerful song that portrays power relations and struggle between socia classes. Exploitation of the "outcasts" in the society was pointed out in the song. It depicted an environment wherein people who are physically and socially unfit and ugly were exploited and treated inhumanely. It was a very touching song that conveys that we should not judge a person based on his/her social standings in life, or even the way he/she looks. We are all created by God, and we are all beautiful in His eyes. The third song, sang by Michael V. entitled, "Mas Mahal na Kita Ngayon" was about a man maltreated by his woman. This song contradicts the the feminist's notion that the women are the ones who are abused and oppressed. At the same time, this song also empowers the women as well. The song actually portrays a modern-day woman who is strong, independent, and knows how to take-charge in a situation. However, the acts mentioned in the song were actually negative with regards to the woman's attitude. 

Political songs like these will serve as an eye-opener for people in all walks of life to realize significant social issues that we are still trying to resolve. Some people may see these songs for entertainment purposes only, however, only if they will examine the contents of it, they will realize a lot of life lessons that is far more important than what they have perceived before. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pantayong Pananaw

Today, we discussed the Pantayong Pananaw / bagong kasaysayan. It's basically from the field of historiography. Issues on culture and ethnicity were also tackled. Since the Tagalog language is the national language of the country, not all Filipinos are confortable using it. In the Visayas and Mindanao area, most people do not actually speak Tagalog since they have their own local dialects. Hybridity was als brought up during the discussion. Culture in different parts of the country mixed with other culture may produce a new kind or variation of a culture. The main idea behind the Pantayong Pananaw  is that we should appreciate our won, and stop patronizing other cultures. The influence of other neighboring countries must not distract the Filipinos to build a society that is united through its own rich culture. It will be very hard for Filipinos to refuse or avoid the influence of other countries, especially the western culture since we lived in a globalized environment already and for the fact that we were colonized in the past. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Indigenous Theory

Today, we discussed about Indigenezation that focused on Sikolohiyang Pilipino and Pilipinohiya. Sikolohiyang Pilipino that it is necessary to debunk western psychology's claim to universal application. Based on its definition, it is defined as the psychology based on the experience, ideas, and cultural orientation of the Filipinos. Deconstructing the way of thinking of the Filipinos is one of its main goals. 

Sikolohiyang Pilipino basically offers us a way of thinking that we, the Filipino people must believe in our own capabilities and identities to achieve and maximize our own potentials. Based from the idea, we have unique characteristics; as well as trilogy values that include - debt of gratitude (utang na loob), pakikisama (Kumpadre/Padrino system), and hiya. These characteristics are truly embedded in our poltical system, and even sometimes in our own families.

On the other hand, we also do have core trait values that include - "kapwa", pivotal interpersonal value, and linking socio-personal values.

The other concept is from the Pilipinohiya wherein studying our own country based from our own or a Filipino's context. One can never truly conduct an in-depth study of a country he/she cannot speak the its local language. It is within the language where the rich culture of a country can be found. Understanding their language is first step in truly understanding a country's culture.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Post Colonialism

Compared to other topics, the discussion on post colonialism was much more easier to understand. The group assigned for this particular subject was able to explain briefly the necessary details. Overall, I can say that I was able completely understand what post colonialism is all about.

Basically, post colonialism is about gaining a perspective with regards to the future without colonial influences that almost replace the original cultures of a certain place. Moreover, according to the report, it is a form of resistance to the blinding effects brought by colonialism and also seeks to analyze how the colonized society will be able to move on a more civil and equal environment. 

Post colonialism had undergone a lot of changes. Today, it now includes the relationship between different forms of resistance and dominance; the establishment of a constitution within the colonies; and the relationship interdependence of both classes and races.

One of the main highlights of the topic was the theory on racism by Frantz Fanon. According to him, racism creates a thread of mental constructs that makes a certain individual unaware of being a subject to a superior race. In result, people who are subjected to racism are socially constrained in society. Their behavior towards others also changes because they feel inferior over a particular dominating race. Back then, it was believed that the language, norms, traditions, and culture of the whites in general served as universal and superior over any other races. It was considered local and inferior if a person originates from any other races.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Feminist and Queer Theory

This is the most interesting topic so far. Based from personal experiences, this topic is the easiest to digest.

From its definition, Queer Theory is the approach to literary and cultural study that rejects traditional categories of gender and sexuality. Nowadays, the LGBT community is being heard in the community but decades and decades before being queer was said to be a disgrace in the community. There are a lot of TV shows that now has gay men and women which only means that bit by bit, they are being accepted by this generation.

The Feminist theory aims to study the nature of gender inequality and to promote women's rights, interests and issues. Just like queer men and women, straight women weren't accepted as much as they are now. Before, women were considered unequal with men. They weren't allowed to do things that men can do. Luckily women now are not being discriminated. Yes, there still are a few gender discriminations happening here and in other parts of the world but thankfully there isn't as much.

Monday, February 6, 2012

French Cultural Studies

It's our turn to present! Waaaaa. I was both excited and nervous about our presentation! I didn't know how the class will respond to our presentation but thankfully the class responded well. Most of them said that they liked the video we presented (Ahem, i edited it! HEHE) and they said they learned a lot from our presentation! We didn't have to discuss it! YEY!

Anyway, the French Cultural Studies is focused on popular culture. It is based from historiography and existentialist philosophy. 

The Annales School of Historiography also known as the New History emerged before World War II. It gained momentum right after the World War. It is the opposition to the prevailing positivist orientation of French historiography. 

Michele de Certeau is one of the theorists that emerged in these cultural studies. His most influential ideas in the field of cultural studies were presented in "The Practice of Everyday Life." 

Mikhail Bakhtin is my favorite theorist from our presentation. Like others in the French tradition, he wished to preserve the uniqueness and plurality as well as the potential for novelty and innovation present in the forms of everyday social life. He focused his attention on the prosaic character of everyday life. He also said that there is no single language because people creates their own like the Jejemons and the Conyos,

I am really happy about the result of our presentation! Im overwhelmed!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Post Modernism

I thought the group that presented Post modernism was not really prepared. The presentation wasn't concise. The presentation was very long that I thought some of the more important details weren't thoroughly discussed. Also, the discussion wasn't very informative. I thought I will be able to understand the topic more thru the discussion but the reporters weren't able to deliver maybe because they didn't have enough time to prepare or whatnot.

Nevertheless, after reading about the topic, I learned that Postmodernism believes that reality is not simply mirrored in human understanding of it, but rather, is constructed as the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality. I think postmodernism is a lot more concerned about each person's perception about things rather than what the general people perceives.