It's our turn to present! Waaaaa. I was both excited and nervous about our presentation! I didn't know how the class will respond to our presentation but thankfully the class responded well. Most of them said that they liked the video we presented (Ahem, i edited it! HEHE) and they said they learned a lot from our presentation! We didn't have to discuss it! YEY!
Anyway, the French Cultural Studies is focused on popular culture. It is based from historiography and existentialist philosoph
The Annales School of Historiography also known as the New History emerged before World War II. It gained momentum right after the World War. It is the opposition to the prevailing positivist orientation of French historiography.
Michele de Certeau is one of the theorists that emerged in these cultural studies. His most influential ideas in the field of cultural studies were presented in "The Practice of Everyday Life."
Mikhail Bakhtin is my favorite theorist from our presentation. Like others in the French tradition, he wished to preserve the uniqueness and plurality as well as the potential for novelty and innovation present in the forms of everyday social life. He focused his attention on the prosaic character of everyday life. He also said that there is no single language because people creates their own like the Jejemons and the Conyos,
I am really happy about the result of our presentation! Im overwhelmed!!
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